Congratualtions to Jo, who was presented the Guiding Hero Award by the Beverly Heywood-Jones, Surrey East County Commissioner for her continued enthusiasm and dedication to Guiding as Leader of 3rd Merstham Rainbows and assistant Leader of 10th Redhill Brownies.
Jo is a person who both Sonia and Emma admire for her courage and determination even while waiting at appointments Jo continued to work on her units admin and organise the week’s meeting to ensure the Rainbows and Brownies had yet another exciting and fun meeting planned for them that week.
Guiding’s mission is described as ‘through fun, friendship, challenge and adventure we empower girls to find their voice inspiring them to discover the best in themselves and to make a positive difference in their community
Jo planned every detail and attended and run every session possible, leaders that covered didn’t need to do anything apart from turn up as Jo had already arranged everything needed for that evening!
We do not know anyone more deserving of the Guiding Hero award and we want thank Jo for everything she has done and continues to do for her Rainbows and Brownies and all Guiding members she meets.