Make a Booking

The Empire Hall is available for day-use for members of Girlguiding, the Scout Association, Youth Groups and Charities as well as the general public, within our guidelines for use.

Our usual booking is a minimum of two hours, as per the session times advertised. You may also request a shorter timeslot (1 hour) within your booking window; reqest a 1 hour extension (3 hours total) or book a full morning or afternoon (4-5 hours). We can be flexible with exact start and finish times and will endeavour to work with requests dependant upon availability.

We are only able to accept sleepover bookings for members of Girlguiding and the Scout Association.

To make your booking: 

  1. Review availability and select your day on the calendar.
  2. For sleepovers, please select your arrival and your departure date.
  3. Use the dropdown menu to choose your time slot and select any modifications
  4. Confirm your preferred arrival/departure times.
  5. Complete the booking form and submit your details.
  6. Your booking will be confirmed by email.
  7. Payment is by BACS or cheque only and is required to complete your booking.
    Empire Hall Booking Form:
    Calendar is loading...
    Booked (hover to see times)


    book 1 hour only:
    +1 hour extension:

    Your booking cost is: £0.00

    Please provide your expected numbers: total should not exceed 100 (or 40 for sleepovers):

    For members of Girlguiding and the Scout Association please provide your unit details:

    For sleepovers the Leader-in-Charge must have the relevant residential qualification or be running the event as part of her / his assessment.
    Do you hold the appropriate residential qualification?
    If NO, is this event an assessment?

    Your booking cost is: £0.00

    To show CAPTCHA, please deactivate cache plugin or exclude this page from caching or disable CAPTCHA at WP Booking Calendar - Settings General page in Form Options section.

    If you do not see a submission confirmation message please check that all required fields have been completed and try again

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    Info for Bookings

    The Do’s and Don’ts

    Have a good holiday!

    Local Information

    Useful Contacts for your stay

    Be prepared!