A Guide for GGSE Website Editing

This is page is intended to give basic guidance on managing and editing this website.

The highest level site Adminstration is currently held by Clare Coker faurefold.chair@btinternet.com and Lee Wayland lee@lwdesign.co.uk 

LWDesign host the site on a dedicated Server through (TITAN Internet / Easyspace ). LW design are responsible for maintaining and updating WordPress and plugins. 

Hosting and Administration

Website hosting and administration is by LWDesign (https://www.lwdesign.co.uk). We have service contract so Lee can be contacted directly if there are any issues that need resolving or for general support and advice.

The site uses Divi by Elegant Themes to template the basic WordPress.

This is multisite system with the host domain girlguidingsurreyeast.co.uk Girl Guiding Portal | County Site (girlguidingsurreyeast.co.uk)  is set up as a Portal to link to the sites, as it may come up in an internet search.

This site is a subdomain of this master which may be mapped to your individual site domain names. e.g. reigate.girlguidingsurreyeast.co.uk [e.g. county.girlguidingsurreyeast.co.uk maps to girlguidingsurreyeast.org.uk, which is what you search and see]

girlguidingreigatedivision.org through GoDaddy (see Emma Marsh for info)

Using the Divi Builder

The website is built on WordPress using Divi builder and our own ggse theme. Check out online guide to using the Divi Builder at the link below.

Rows and Boxes can be easily be added,  duplicated and moved around  (see the Divi Builder link for how to do this). Try to not to change font sizes , spacing or settings, especially not by dragging the edges of boxes. It can really mess things up.

Getting Started With The Divi Builder | Elegant Themes Documentation

Editing Pages

Editing pages is best done from the page itself: Click on “enable visual builder” in the WordPress menu at the top of the screen. You can edit directly in the boxes , but it is best to hover and use the “settings” cog and edit text there as it can jump around if editing dierctly on the page.

Click on the big purple circle with 3 dots that appears at the bottom of the screen to access:

  • Save option on the LHS and
  • RHS: the option to view you page in desktop, tablet or phone mode.

It is important to check phone mode, as this is how a LOT of people will be acessing the website and content.

If you use Exit Visual Builder you have the option to Discard and Exit or Save and Exit – useful if you messed up and want to go back to where you started or if you forgot to save

You cannot test links in editing mode. You need to exit the visual builder first

Adding Pages

You can build a page from scratch or by cloning an existing page

Probably best to get a starter lesson from someone who has already done this. We have saved some of the Website styles to the library which can be used to get started. To maintain the integrity of the website we should all try to maintain the elements of the design that are found across the website


Photos need to be prepared before loading to the website. The size of the loaded photo implacts the layout of the page, so in order to keep everything looking good this is an important step. Resolution is important too. Try to get hold of original photos taken with good quality cameras or  phones.

  • If resolution is too low the images may not resize properly between desktop, tablet and phone.
  • If image too large it may appear too big in certain views, it takes up unnecessary storage and may not load.

For link boxes photos need to be square and if at all possible the pixel size should be 1080 x 1080

For heading banners, and featured images for news posts, gallery and events  use pixel size of  1920 x 1080 (landscape). This is a ratio of 16:9 if you can’t acheive the resolution.

I use Paint 3D to resize and crop using pixels. Don’t try and edit picture size within WordPress- it can go wrong! Do this before loading to the Media

  • Right click on the image in question a chose Edit in Paint 3D
  • Go to “Canvas” and reduce width pixels to 1920 or 1080 (if require a square image) . Can crop first if want to select a specific area and then reduce the pixels
  • You can increase pixels, but be careful, if you increase too much you get a very poor pixellated picture.
  • Go to “Crop” annd chose 16:9 or 1:1  or simply type 1080. Adjust positioning as required
  • Use Save As so as not to lose the original photo, you may want to change the focus or  shape
Retention / Guidelines/ Process  for clean up of old items
  1. Photo naming is important – Can be used for filtering and housekeeping
  2. Photos/images associated with News posts should be deleted when post is deleted
  3. News Posts – deleted after 5 years?

Contact through the Website

Viewers an make contact in two ways either by submitting a query via a contact form (You can chose where this gets sent, but the user won’t see the address.

Who the contact form is sent to is specified on the email tab of the settings in the contact form itself. The form can be sent to two addresses, use a comma to separate. This mitigates the risk of not receiving the form if blocked by the service provider, which can occasionally happen – this is currently the case with gmail.

Contact Form submissions can also be checked on the website itself by logging in regularly. You can reply directly by clicking on the email address.

You can also use a button to send an email: the user will see the email address as it will open an email in their own mail browser use the format “mailto: user@email.com” etc on the Link tab of the button to set this up.


Girlguiding units charge subs to cover the cost of equipment, resources, annual subscription to be a member of Girlguiding and the hire of the meeting place.

Adding News Posts

Click on Posts and “Add New”

  • Give your post a Title;
  • set a featured image (RH menu at the bottom)
  • Select a Post Category to determine where it will show up on the website (This is very inportant) and worth checking the appropraite pages to be sure once complete.
  • Type your text/news article in main box.
  • Type a shortened version of your story into the Excerpt box, often the autofilled version does not work on the news carousels. This goves you full control

“Quick edit” and be used for changing or assigning categories, post title and to turn off comments and pings, if necessary (default is now off).

News Posts are NOT created using the Divibuilder

General editing “gotcha’s” for both posts and event creation

Adding media etc into your post or event  can be done, but formatting is awkward and can be a case of trial and error

If pasting from word, paste as plain text to aviod spurious characters etc, unless there is something very specific about the formatting you wish to preserve.

Should you accidently activiate the DIVI builder continue by clicking the “build from existing” box (LHS) then once you are able “Return to Standard Editor” – ignore the error message

Images are best at 16:9 ratio and preferably 1920 x 1080 pixels (see photos section)

Filtering Events and News Items for specific pages (using categories)

Setting the Category on your event or post will determine where it is displayed on the website, so it is important that you choose correctly and you may need to choose multiple categories.  You can create your own categories

Enable the settings and then click on the cog of the news feed or the News page “Blog” to open the settings.  You can then simply tick on which categories you want to see in that particular viewport.

News Posts are currently used on the following pages with the category selection as shown:

  1. Home Page: News etc to be completed
  2. News page: Challenges, Events, International, Musigals, News, Awards


Brief Information


Further information

Link Boxes

Update links in box and picture settings